designer: evan moore
I graduated from Cardiff School of Art and Design in 2017 where I developed a strong interest in lighting design. Drawn to the scope of designing the form of a light, I became engrossed in how form can be created and defined. This let me to begin experimenting with parametric design, but rather than focusing on trying to control a set parameter myself, I wanted to put that control in the hands of an external entity. My debut collection is a range of uplighters shaped by characteristics of individual planets. The resulting forms from this process of the algorithmic modelling are created in a collaboration with nature.
As a designer, I seek to produce work that bridges the gap between art and design. Exploring the brink of the two sectors, I strive to create pieces which can be both functional and sculptural. I enjoy working with complex making processes that combine the traditional and the digital, through a range of materials enabling me to design and create pieces which demonstrate both concept and craftsmanship along with function and form.